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What is column subtraction? Subtraction is simply taking away one number from another. When the numb…
What is a split digraph? Simply put, digraphs are collections of two letters that make one sound. Ex…
If your child is in year 2, you may be aware that in May they'll be taking their End of Key Stage Te…
Here's 4 ways to get your kids involved Let's celebrate science, technology engineering and maths…
Happy World Book Day! Here at EdPlace we love great books and we'd like to share the joy of read…
Happy World Book Day! Here at EdPlace we love great books and we'd like to share the joy of read…
This is the third and final article of our 'Educate your child about money' series from our maths te…
This is the second of our series of 3 articles on how to teach your kids to be money-savvy. The auth…
We’ll post a series of 3 articles from our maths teacher, Mr Lambert who suggests top tips to help…
Learning great money management habits at an early age can have a profound impact on your child`s li…
EdPlace is dedicated to helping tuition centres and their students succeed across the UK. Here's a…