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What is column subtraction? Subtraction is simply taking away one number from another. When the numb…
What is a split digraph? Simply put, digraphs are collections of two letters that make one sound. Ex…
* Essay Writing Competition Entry * For our exciting ‘My Summer Adventure’ competition, we asked…
What does it mean to write an essay? Where do you begin? Aren’t essays just something you write in…
“Not an essay…boring…” The words you probably hear over many a homework battle and you proba…
EdPlace's Summer Camp offers parents and children 6 weeks of free educational activities in Maths, E…
The school holidays are upon us and kids around the country rejoice – no more school for 6 …
This May, pupils in Year 2 and Year 6 will be sitting the new-style SATs for the first time, and as …
We're very excited to introduce our new online Maths tutorial videos, available to all our customers…
EdPlace has joined the World Health Day campaign which is a global health awareness day, celebrated …
Packing school lunches is a chore no one enjoys. It’s easy to resort to processed food but with so…