We're really excited to announce the launch of the new EdPlace student dashboard and some new features for parents and students that we think you're going to love. We've listened to your feedback, talked to teachers and students, and looked at how students are using the site to guide our decisions. As always we'd love to hear your feedback on how we can make EdPlace better - these changes are just the beginning!


Subject, topic, curriculum and bonus badges

Possibly the biggest of all our new features, students will now be able to collect badges based on their performance and effort. There are already dozens of badges in subjects, topics, and curriculum areas available in each year and we think students will find them motivating and rewarding. There are even some 'bonus badges' to keep them guessing.

We've retrospectively awarded badges for past performance on the site so log in now to check what you've already unlocked!


Self assign worksheets interface on new student dashboard

You told us that older children prefer to assign work themselves. Self-assign allows them to do just that, giving students the opportunity to explore new topic areas, practice for the big test or improve on previous scores. We've turned self-assign on by default for students in Years 5-11 but you can switch it on or off through the parent dashboard. Students will only be able to assign work based on their year group, so they're sure to be learning the same stuff in and out of the classroom.

If you have a School or Tutor account self-assign will be switched off for now. We'll let you know as soon it's available.

New-look student dashboard

EdPlace student dashboard screenshot

The student dashboard has had a makeover, with all the information students need in one place and regular notifications on progress, rewards and badges. Timeline gives you a snapshot of everything you've achieved on the site so far and our detailed progress tracking is given greater prominence.

And the rest...

Alongside the big stuff we've also made a whole host of smaller improvements and changes. We've improved the speed of the site, updated the average score system (so that it gives a more accurate picture of your child's relative performance), enhanced communication between parent and student accounts, reward categorisation, and clarified our messaging to students.

We're really proud of the new features and we hope they're going to help parents and students get the best out of the EdPlace worksheets. Drop us a line by email or get in touch on Twitter to let us know what you think about the changes we've made.